The Digital Mentor

Welcome! This section of my website is here to help students answer questions they might have about college. Over the years I have compiled quite the collection of “professional development” documents and articles and have hoarded those on my computer.

I got the idea for this folder after I attended a STEM-CORE seminar by Drs. Canas-Carrell and Griffith on how to serve at a Hispanic Serving Institution highlighted. The talk highlighted the need for mentorship and guidance for all incoming students, and especially to those from groups traditionally underrepresented on campus/in STEM. This talk motivated me to act and thus I created the digital mentor folder.

I have sorted some of those hoarded professional development documents to share with you all. I hope you find this useful. If you want to talk more about any of these topics, or if you have specific questions, please come chat with me. Professors are busy people, yes, but we are also here to help. Please take that first step and come to see us!

College is a fun, scary, anxiety-provoking, rewarding, and enlightening experience. Do your best to make the most of it!